Progress and Recommended Specs

We are often asked about the recommended specs for this game, but we have not tested it in any other environment, so we do not know what machine specs are sufficient to play it.

Although I have created games to the extent that such phenomena do not occur in my environment at least, I often receive reports of delays and processing crashes during play, and I have seen several videos where this has actually happened.
However, there is not much information available on Pixel Game Maker MV, and I can hardly get any information on the recommended specs and processing failures.

So I would like to ask for your help, could you please tell me your playing environment and whether there are any problems?

We would especially like to hear from those who have played the trial version of this work and experienced delays, lagging, or flickering, so we would appreciate as many reports as possible from such people.

If possible, it would be very helpful if you could also give us specific details on what scene and what you were doing when it occurred.
We have also heard that the operation is more stable when the screen size is set to full screen, so we would appreciate it if those experiencing delays could try that as well.
(Bug reports that are not related to the environment in which you play should be filed separately.)

Please report your findings in the comments section of the article.

For reference, my current environment is as follows

OS : Windows 10 64-bit
CPU : Core i7-9700
RAM : 16.0GB
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti

We appreciate your cooperation.

Get Princess Reconquista / 王女のレコンキスタ


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Pop Os linux with wine on a laptop

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz

RAM: 31 GB

GPU: GeForce RTX 2080 with Max-Q Design

I have no issues as far as I can see, but my specs are probably not that helpful.

Good game, keep up the good work

Using linux mint with wine on a laptop.

OS: Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon

CPU: Dual core 2.2 GHz ( Intel Celeron )


GPU: Intel Geminilake

There's no lag or framedrops, but it runs like I'm playing at 0.5x speed. Still impressive for a game running on this thing with wine, compared to a lot of games on itch which either don't run or have bugs when run on linux with wine.

Scratch that - it does have bugs. Basically, this means that it runs fine on a  low-end dual core laptop, the bugs I'm experiencing are probably because I'm on linux.

Thank you. I will refer to it.

Using old thinkpad laptop

OS : Windows 11

CPU : Core i7-4th gen

RAM : 8 GB


The game play fine in this 10 years old laptop. So that's great.


OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 4600H with Radeon Graphics, 3000 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s)


GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti

Literally just copy-pasted from the system specs. I've never had a performance issue with this game personally.
