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The boss fight is fantastic, definitely the most fun I've had in the game so far, because the boss has some incredible animations and artstyle, and quite a wide variety of moves in combat.

great animations runs a tad slow for a 2d platforming fighter but thats prob my device 

How do i play in full screen?


Is there any plan to add cheatcodes like instakill or invencibility?
For those want to watch the story without difficulty
(Game is not hardcore but u know)

After a few game overs, an item will be added that will reduce money instead of damage, planned.
It is free to put it on, but you will need to pay a very high offering to remove it.

So want to play, but MSVCR120.dll is not found.

Can i ask for link to Troubleshooting? I blind (kinda)

HOW TO FIX IT. If have problem with MSVCR120.dll - dowload Visual C++ Redistributables for Visual StudioVisual C++ Redistributables for Visual Studio 2013.

This helped to me

(1 edit)

the only downside is that it hasnt been translated to english yet, but other than that its an amazing game

nice game, game to follow


Pregunta has pensado en llevarlo a android, mi laptop se descompuso y me gustaría jugarlo

It says that MSVCR120.dll is not found. And I am confused about the Troobleshooting. Should I try the first point or the second? If the first, could someone give me the link? If the second, what does it mean to install the runtime?

Thanks in advance


If you search for "MSVCR120.dll" you will find examples of the lack of this and how to install it.

Deleted 247 days ago

Any way to get to the other side of the sewer where the gate is to talk to the woman?

did you find that room in the sewers with the chest that has money in it? just jump on the platform right next to it and you will be able to go through the wall

how am i supposed to jump on a platform 3 times the height of the character

are we talking about the same place? it is as very easy jump the room with the chest is also behind a wall


ah thats what you meant sorry i thought of a different place mb


Please keep developing this game because this is a really good game i am willing to give you my soul....


Is there a way to remove the censorship?

(1 edit)

why there is no text


Any anal-sex scene?


REALLY fun game. However, most text boxes did not display any text. If this was a bug I hope it gets fixed soon. I really enjoyed the combat and I hope the abilities that your character has get expanded upon. The combat seems very similar to castle crashers to me and that's a good thing. The father Fernando fight was a particular highlight as well, although some of his attacks have weird telegraphing that make timing a dodge pretty hard. I really hope a translation is made because I unfortunately only speak English. The music is also incredible. Keep up the amazing work!


Please see Troubleshooting for text issues.

Help i downloaded pixel game maker mv demo and still can't open the game, it doesn't give any error message it just opens a black window with japanese name and then closes again, please help


Please see Troubleshooting.
Probably lacks runtime.

I already saw troubleshooting, I installed game maker mv free trial and still can't open the game, what am I doing wrong? please help:c


Runtime may be missing.
It is difficult to give individual advice as it depends on the environment, but you may be able to solve the problem by searching for and installing the software.

I checked and there's no runtime, where coud I find the software


Is there or will there be futa-on-male?


I finished your game yesterday, and I must say this is one of the best H Games of its kind I have ever played.


(I hope that is correct)


cool game but i cant get past the gate in section 3


You need to go into the sewers after this. The entrance can be found in one of the houses.


Just finished a few fights against Father Fernando. It’s a fun fight, that really increases the value of the game. But it’s also very difficult to figure out, and it brings out one big flaws in the controls: After the player get knocked down then recovers, there is no invulnerability frames, so it’s possible to get stun-locked to death.

Things that are more specific to this boss in particular:

  • Just like muscle-guys, his bayonet thrust has a very long wind-up, but he stays still for the whole duration of the wind-up, so the timing is difficult to intuite.
  • The attack where he jumps and shoots down is practically impossible to avoid. No time to run away, and the dodge action doesn’t last long enough. It’s possible to extend the dodge duration with a counter-attack, but often it’s still not long enough to avoid the last hit; doing it this way also feels like an exploit or a bug.

In fact, there is an NPC who gives you a hint just before the game, saying "The boss ahead will attack you with an attack you can't avoid with evasion alone," but the language barrier prevents you from getting the message...

All enemy attacks can be avoided by " dodging" or "jumping and moving".

There may be some points that we haven't adjusted enough, but we are trying to eliminate unreasonable elements.


Looks great and plays nicely! Looking forward to future release.

Here are the points I think need improvements the most:

  • English translation does nothing outside of the main menu! The characters’ speech box are either untranslated, or completely empty:
  • I wish I could use Up instead of Spacebar to jump, that would be much more comfortable for my hands.
  • I’m getting some very mean screen tearing. A V-sync option would be welcome.
  • The timing of the muscle-guy’s overhead attack is pretty hard to figure out, because he stays still for so long. His wind-up animation could use one or two more extra frames.

As already mentioned in the article, this game is not localized.

As for the empty log box, please refer to the troubleshooting section.

Please change from "English" to "Japanese".

Not "Japanese" to "English".

The key configuration cannot be changed in the game due to Pixel game maker MV specifications, but you can change the button layout in the menu that appears after pressing the F1 key.

If the fps of the game sometimes drops, you may find it more stable to make the game full screen by pressing the ESC key.

If the game is still not stable, please let us know your PC environment so we can help you in the future.


The key configuration settings seem to work! A shame this also affects menu navigation.

I haven’t noticed any fps drop; The game runs perfectly smoothly, even during screen-tearings. Screen-tearing also happens in fullscreen mode. I’m playing on Windows 10, with a dedicated GPU (nVidia 760M).

(1 edit)

no options tab in the game couldn't change it to english


You can change the language setting by going to "Setting(設定)" -> "Game Screen(ゲーム画面)" -> "Language Settings(言語設定)" after bringing up the menu with the F1 key which youll see across the top while in game.

Tho not all sections have been translated yet


Additional info for people who struggled like me:

  • You can press F1 from the main menu. The setting bar is very sneaky and is at the very top of the screen.
  • Once you’ve selected English, you need to scroll down and click OK.
(1 edit)

any recommendation? like this game?


any recommendation? like this game? without femboy?

Night of revvenge


How do i change the language i cant find the settings please help me :(



You can change the language setting by going to "Setting(設定)" -> "Game Screen(ゲーム画面)" -> "Language Settings(言語設定)" after bringing up the menu with the F1 key.
Sorry for the lack of explanation.

Its ok, i understand the language barrier

i am sorry i do not know if it is an issue with my pc or not but i can't seem to change the language at all

Great gameplay btw! First boss was really easy to beat, most of the attacks can be dodge and then parried to do massive shield dmg, then do the most damaging combo against him, should have gain enough for lust bar for heals, I didn't use it just yet, wait until his shield regen 80-90%ish to do the healing then just repeat dodge and parry to beat him.

Really adorable animations

Why is the first boss so difficult? what needs to be done to defeat him in the last phase? tell me


Let's goooo!!!! side-scrollers are always welcomed. Look absolutely beautiful!

It says that MSVCR120.dll is not found


Please see Troubleshooting.

Doesnt say anything? im having the same issue


looks Cool


The spritework and general art look amazing! Keep up the good work!

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