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There is only japanese in the language settings


Holy shit, this game is cool.
Scenes go hard, lots of collectibles for both fighting and extra menu pics, menu pics changes if Ish is horny, and it genuinely feels like a lot of love was poured into this game thus far, especially with the smart level design and actually tough as shit bossfight. Can't wait for it to get more updates!

Same here bro! Assuming there is going to be a female boss, I can't wait for a Yuri scene

how do you fuck the big ones

plot twist: they fuck you

Break their shield then immediately seduce them

Some enemies have shield bars. You need to break their shield, and then use the lust scene.


Can i suggest WASD+mouse support? Or at least configurable controls? Arrow keys not really comfortable for games. Also, at least english translation would be good. (English is not my language as well, but i don't like to play games like this in russian anyways)

(1 edit) (+1)

pretty sure it's nippon but i understand.


its neither mandarin nor russian but instead, its japanese

Deleted 147 days ago

The key configuration can be set using the F1 key.

English localization is in preparation

It does say that "this game isn't localized" yet at the beginning of the page! It's in japanese.
To understand the key pieces of text for now though, i've used screen captures and google translate, as it can automatically scan and translate pieces of text you give it

Where in the world did you get the idea that the game is in Russian?

Me? I Didn't. I just tried to say that i don't need translation to MY language. )
Maybe i slightly fucked up with english in main comment.

I getcha.


Android port possible?




next update pls 

anyone know the complete control button on this game?

Is there a patch in English?

(1 edit)

Where can I find the pole scene/how is it activated

edit: found it. replay the tutorial once youve gotten double jump 

please more updates

is there a uncensored version of the demo?

Gotta admit, the first arena boss is really well made, good job on making it fun and challenging at the same time.

(1 edit) (-1)

I think the file is missing information it needs to run.

If anyone is having this same issue, click this link

I downloaded Visual C++ yet when I start up the player in the file, it still doesn't work.. Any other ways to solve the problem?

you might also be missing this

Deleted post

i don't understand how to get the tongue bath thing i kill the twin sworded soldier and open the gate then what?


Please return to the store.


which one? i went to all of them and kept choosing the talk option but nothing happens


「舌風呂」←This is the building in front of the sign with these words.

thank you very much


Where did you find him? I've looked a lot but I can't find this new enemy. 


alguem me ajuda prfv estou enfrentando esse erro e ja fiz de tudo mas nada resolvido

(1 edit)

We don't know everything...

eu to usando windows 8.1

Cuando habra una version para android APENAS SALGA  EN VERSION PARA ANDROID TE COMPRO TU JUEGO

Unfortunately, there will never be an android version.

Deleted 117 days ago

Not yet.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey will this game be ported to steam on release?

We are considering it, but don't expect much.


when will the next update come out?

will there be any skins or costumes?


Costume on/off will be implemented in the future.


Absolutely Amazing! Professional-grade gameplay and graphics, the characters were funny and cute! Combat feels so good! Thank you so much, I will 100% buy the full game once it comes out! Amazing stuff!

(2 edits) (+1)

Does anyone know how to save the game?
¿algien sabe como guardar la partida?

you have to find the lady that instructs you at the start


it might be a dumb question but will this game ever come out on mobile?


I am sorry, but it is absolutely impossible.



Doesn't work for me error 0x000007b, it's not the only game that has this problem and I have no idea how to fix it

The boss fight is fantastic, definitely the most fun I've had in the game so far, because the boss has some incredible animations and artstyle, and quite a wide variety of moves in combat.

great animations runs a tad slow for a 2d platforming fighter but thats prob my device 

How do i play in full screen?


Is there any plan to add cheatcodes like instakill or invencibility?
For those want to watch the story without difficulty
(Game is not hardcore but u know)

After a few game overs, an item will be added that will reduce money instead of damage, planned.
It is free to put it on, but you will need to pay a very high offering to remove it.

So want to play, but MSVCR120.dll is not found.

Can i ask for link to Troubleshooting? I blind (kinda)

HOW TO FIX IT. If have problem with MSVCR120.dll - dowload Visual C++ Redistributables for Visual StudioVisual C++ Redistributables for Visual Studio 2013.

This helped to me

(1 edit)

the only downside is that it hasnt been translated to english yet, but other than that its an amazing game

nice game, game to follow


Pregunta has pensado en llevarlo a android, mi laptop se descompuso y me gustaría jugarlo

It says that MSVCR120.dll is not found. And I am confused about the Troobleshooting. Should I try the first point or the second? If the first, could someone give me the link? If the second, what does it mean to install the runtime?

Thanks in advance


If you search for "MSVCR120.dll" you will find examples of the lack of this and how to install it.

Deleted 247 days ago

Any way to get to the other side of the sewer where the gate is to talk to the woman?

did you find that room in the sewers with the chest that has money in it? just jump on the platform right next to it and you will be able to go through the wall

how am i supposed to jump on a platform 3 times the height of the character

are we talking about the same place? it is as very easy jump the room with the chest is also behind a wall


ah thats what you meant sorry i thought of a different place mb


Please keep developing this game because this is a really good game i am willing to give you my soul....


Is there a way to remove the censorship?

(1 edit)

why there is no text

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